Objective diagnostics for Whiplash Associated Disorder
At GS we have developed an innovative clinical pathway for the assessment, risk stratification and treatment of patients being investigated and/or treated for whiplash associated disorder (WAD).
We begin with the Spinal Assessment Pathway, a bespoke clinical pathway that is based on the latest clinical guidelines for cervical spine assessment. This fully interactive pathway will enable the user input of the patient’s symptoms and signs. The user can also input the accident details, including velocity and angle of impact. We use vector analysis to calculate the approximate G force experienced by the patient in their car on impact. Once the patient has been assessed, the patient’s WAD classification and Canadian C-Spine
Risk assessment is automatically calculated by the system software. Based on specific parameters, guidance is given which will either instruct the user to proceed with a GS analyser assessment of the neck or seek medical advice.
If the patient has been passed suitable for a GS analyser assessment, a fully cervical spine assessment will be conducted. Based on previous WAD assessments, we understand what a WAD profile looks like. Our research has identified particular force generation ratio profiles of the neck muscles which are indicative of WAD and are predictive of its severity. Once diagnosed, the user can design a bespoke and safe treatment programme.