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Improved clinical Management

Improving clinical management of neuro-musculoskeletal

injuries and pre/post operative therapy

Until now, beyond radiological, ultrasonic and electromyography investigation, objective physical analysis of motor function has been challenging, resulting in varied interpretation and opinion with possible compromise in patient treatment.


This user friendly, portable and cost effective system transforms diagnostic procedures, complementing existing methods and creating standardised neuromusculoskeletal examination procedures. It enhances analysis of clinical effectiveness and defines protocols for best and safe practice procedures for 

patients, while assuring improved record keeping for all practitioners and institutions using the system. Quantitative analysis supports critical decisions for clinical management, surgical intervention and therapeutic programmes.

Case Study 1

Empowering clinical decision making.

Patient Y was referred for a GS assessment due to signs and symptoms of cervical stenosis. Prior to referral the patient had an MRI which demonstrated a constitutionally narrow cervical canal with some degenerative disc disease at C6-C7. He had marked irritability on cervical extension and all associated actions which caused foraminal compression. Testing maximal isometric force revealed contralateral irritation, indicative of foraminal stenosis.  Assessment of the upper
peripherals limbs showed good symmetry but with isolated deficits which do not represent a defined myotome. It was the recommendation of the assessor that this patient undergoes immediate decompressive surgery. The diagram below on the left shows the neck profile with a global reduction in peak forces in all movements of the neck (grey dotted lines represent normative data). On the right, a sharp reduction in ROM of cervical extension is noted.

Profile - medical c-stenosis.png
Case study 1

Patient X underwent a right L1 nerve block due to persisting lower back pain.  After surgery, the patient complained of weakness in the right leg.  Concerned about the weakness, the patient underwent a GS assessment, which did indeed confirm global weakness in the right leg.  The patient felt this significantly impaired her quality of life and was considering taking legal action.  She was retested four months later which revealed the weakness had completely resolved and her power was equal to that of her left leg.  The diagram below illustrates her previous assessment (in grey) and her current assessment (red: right, blue: left).  You can see her profile on her right is identical to her left.  The patient was reassured by this, as was the operating surgeon.

Case Study 2

Medico-legal empowerment - Post-op complication following L1 nerve block

post op complication.png
Case study 2

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