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Following an injury, objective analysis is essential in assisting and guiding management of rehabilitation therapy to restore full function. The GS Analysis is specifically designed for exercising and strengthening different muscle groups with careful consideration given to preventing injury during use. The data collected enables the clinician to make informed considerations to load, volume, intensity, speed, frequency, and range of movement, when designing a training programme for deficit and activity specific targeted rehabilitation.  


In today’s digital technological age, clinicians, patients, and sports personnel expect to be provided with objective documentation for a more thorough and in depth understanding of their condition. We have reacted to this market demand by designing F1 based lightweight portable Wi-Fi technology that supports this need and we are now amongst the world leaders of cervical analysis in neurosurgery, physical medicine and strength and conditioning. Large fixed devices are less efficient compared to our portable systems that can complete a total body analysis in a fraction of the time.

Old-Fashioned Clock


The unique application of the system to define strength and fatigue profiles will detect vulnerabilities in players which can be re-mediated before they are allowed to participate in play and become exposed to potential injurious situations.







Whether you are acquiring a new player or you want to obtain baseline neuro-muscularskeletal profiles of your team, this can be achieved efficiently and effectively with the GS Analyser.  Construction of a data base of baseline normative profiles for comparative analysis is both fundamental and essential to underpin legal and medical opinion for structured valid representation.



Functional and clinical objective profile analysis of the neuromusculoskeletal system assures safe appropriate fast rehabilitation to the physical therapy professions and assurance to the surgical and medical specialists. Collation of this data will lead to defining clinical outcomes and best practice recommendations for diagnosis, managements and return to full health.


Case Study

Rugby player with a right C7 lesion

rugby c7.png

A rugby player was referred for a GS assessment due to neck pain and right arm weakness.  On examination, the cervical spine was sensitive to right sided maximal foramina compression with induced right arm pain.  The patient was an exceptionally strong individual who was well suited to his position and sport, however our system was sensitive enough to detect slight right sided weaknesses in elbow extension associated with the right C7 nerve root.  The patient received a rehabilitation programme of the cervical spine and a six week peripheral deficit strengthening programme.  He was brought back for a follow-up to review progress and had made significant progress.  The diagram below shows his upper limb profile.  Red trace denotes his Right arm and Blue denotes his Left arm.  Compared to the left, deficits in right elbow extension palm in (ELB-E(R)PI) and palm up (ELB-E(R)PU) are clear, however compared to his previous assessment in the Grey trace, he has made significant progress.

Case study C7

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